Standards Activities

The TAB Committee on Standards (TCoS) is responsible for promoting standards activities across Technical Activities (TA) and maintaining the strategic alignment between Technical Activities and the IEEE Standards Association (IEEE SA) in IEEE.  Its related function is to initiate, oversee, and promote development of standards-related products for TA, e.g. standards-related content such as publications, meetings and events, and educational materials.

TCoS has created a resource center for our volunteers and members to understand the value and important of IEEE SA standards and the respective standards process. Any feedback should be sent to

Resource Center

Call for Proposals: Seed funding opportunities

TCoS provides seed funding for projects initiating innovative standards efforts. The first call for proposals of 2024 (also known as Round 13) closes on 7 April 2024.  

These awards are for up to USD$10,000. In addition, in alignment with the priorities of SA and the IEEE, up to USD$20,000 may be offered for new proposals that impact sustainability for either our material universe, for instance, energy or climate change, or sustainability in our information universe, for instance, in internet safety, security, or usefulness.

For details, please visit

The second call for proposals of 2024 may tentatively be open in August and close in mid September.  Further details will be announced in due course.

TCoS Operations Manual 

The TCoS Operations Manual is intended to be of sufficient breadth and detail such that a Society/Council (S/C) member unfamiliar with technical standards is given guidance to begin S/C discussions on possible standardization activities and eventually to establish self-sustaining standard development within the S/C in collaboration  with the IEEE Standards Association that meets technical and legal requirements.  

New educational materials

A series of 12 mini videos, Introduction to Codes and Standards, is available in the IEEE TCoS Rresource Center.  These videos provide those having little or no background of codes and standards with the information required to develop a basic understanding of the topic. They also serve as a refresher for experienced audience. The 5W’s method is used to engage the audience and historical examples to emphasize the importance of complying with codes and standards are shared. The relation between innovation and standards is discussed as well as the benefit of getting involved in the development process of codes and standards.

IEEE Standards Association (IEEE SA)

IEEE Standards Association (IEEE SA) is a leading global Standards Developing Organization (SDO) within the IEEE. 

If any of the technical work that you are doing may lead to standardization, IEEE SA can help connect you with others doing similar work, and help you through the different stages of the standards development process.

The followings are selected resources to learn more about IEEE SA and standards:

Learn more about IEEE SA – Its governing bodies, featured programs, our current e-newsletters, and more.

Learn more about the IEEE SA standards development process – The Standards Development Lifecycle, how to participate in standards development, search for working groups and standards already in development, and more.

IEEE SA Standards Board Approvals Page – After each IEEE Standards Association Standards Board (SASB) meeting series, newly approved initiated projects and newly approved standards are posted on this page. Click through the links on the left side of the page for any of the meeting dates. New projects are shown on this page as Project Authorization Requests, or PARs.

List of Society/Council Liaisons to SASB – Many of these liaisons are the Standards Committee Chair or the Standards Representative.

Working Group Chair Fundamentals – IEEE SA Training + Development is launching a new course to empower working group participants, foster individual effectiveness, and increase the efficacy of the standards development process.

More information

If you would like to ask specific questions about the TAB Committee on Standards, or about how your Society or Council can get involved in standards activities, please email Patrick McCarren at